Are there side effects to not having sex for a long time?

Are there side effects to being celibate for a long time? [Healthline]

There's a common misconception that celibacy, or going without sex for an extended period, has negative health consequences.

There's no magic number for how much you "should" have sex.

There's no single "right" amount of sex, and what's healthy for one person might not be for another. While there likely won't be drastic health consequences from celibacy, research suggests that regular intimacy offers certain benefits. On the other hand, there can be downsides to a prolonged absence of sex, especially for those in committed relationships.

Physical benefits of having sex regularly

1. Sleep patterns

Regular sex can improve sleep quality because of the release of certain hormones like prolactin and oxytocin. Without it, some people might find it harder to fall asleep or have a restful night.

2. Immune system

Some studies suggest that regular sexual activity can boost your immune system, helping your body fight off germs and illnesses. Without this boost, you might catch colds or other infections a bit more easily.

3. Physical fitness

Sex is a form of physical activity. Although it doesn't replace exercise, it can contribute to your overall physical fitness. Going without it might mean you're a bit less active overall.

Emotional and mental changes

1. Stress levels

Sex can be a natural stress reliever. It releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that create feelings of pleasure and calmness. Without these moments of release, you might find yourself feeling more stressed or anxious.

2. Self-esteem

For some, a healthy sex life is closely linked to self-esteem and feelings of attractiveness. Not having sex for a long time can lead to doubts about oneself and lower self-confidence for some people.

3. Connection with partner

If you're in a relationship, going through a long period without sex might affect your connection with your partner. It's a form of physical intimacy that can strengthen bonds, and without it, some couples might feel more distant.

Hormonal effects of sex

1. Testosterone levels

In men, prolonged periods without sexual activity can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels. This hormone is not only important for sex drive but also affects energy levels, mood, and muscle mass.

2. Vaginal health

In women, regular sexual activity can help maintain vaginal health by improving blood flow. A long break from sexual activities might lead to decreased elasticity and lubrication, which can make sex uncomfortable when it does happen.

Counteracting negative effects

There are ways to mitigate the potential side effects of not having sex for a long time:

1. Stay physically active

Regular exercise can help maintain your physical fitness, manage stress levels, and improve your mood by releasing endorphins.

2. Connect in other ways

If you're in a relationship, find other forms of intimacy and connection, such as cuddling, spending quality time together, and communicating openly.

3. Self-care

Engage in activities that help your well-being like meditation, reading, or taking up a hobby.


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