Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Prison is a place meant to house the wrongdoers of society. Murderers, rapists and those that commit crimes too terrible to imagine. When you gather them all together however, sometimes the situation can become highly volatile. Here arw ten of the most violent prisons in the world.

10- Gitarama central prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

This Rwandan prison was originally designed to only hold 400 prisoners, but by the mid 1990s it was holding more than 7000. The increase was due to the Rwandan genocide, when many inmates were primarily left there to rot. It was described as hell on Earth, with four men crowded together per square yard. There is no roof on this prison and inmates are forced to stand together in all weather, suffering from gangrene and smoke inhalation from cooking fire's. There have even been reports of cannibalism among the inmates.

9- Petak Island prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Situated in the middle of the freezing white lake in Russia. This maximum secarity prison is drafty and the Northwest regions frigid winters reach records laws. Shortening prisoners lifespans even more. They are kept in solitary confinement for more than 20 hour's each day and are only permitted visitors twice a year. They are not allowed to have books or any other reading material and many lose their minds in isolation and poor conditions before serving out their sentences.

8- Kamiti maximum prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

This prison has the worst reputation in Kenya. It was meant to hold only 1500 occupants, but it has become dangerously overcrowded with nearly 3600 instead. Conditions are unspeakable as there is often no heat or running water, so epidemics such as cholera are common. As there is no water, inmates are forced to carrh buckets in the unrelenting heat to survive, It's also well known for it's violence fights between the inmates, beating from guards, rape and sodomy are alarming commonplace. Inmates are provided with shockingly little food, so death from malnutrition is not unheard of.

7- Rikers island prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Situated on an island in the east river between the Bronx and Queens, rikers island is one of the most well known jails. It can hold 17000 inmates arrested in New York city. In recent years this jail has attracted a lot of media attention due to multiple instances of murder, rape, assault and sodomy bg both the inmates and the guards. There were even reports of a guard approved fight club between the inmates to provide entertainment citations for excessive force haven't stopped the abuse. As federal investigation found falsified records stating the abuse was warranted never happened at all.

6- LA sabaneta prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Located in Venezuela, prisoners that are sent here all carry make shift knives for protection from each other and the guards. In a 2013 raid, mre than 22000 rounds of multiple guns and even tannel for marijuana and cocaine storage was found. The prison is underfunded, doesn't have nearly enough staff and extremely overcrowded, so gangs have take over and begun to run the inside. Rape, murder and the constant threat of death loom over those on the lower end of the food chain everyday. Riots arw terrifying common and one in 2012 saw 591 prisoners dead before it end.

5- Alcatraz prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Off the coast of San Francisco, California, there's the island of Alcatraz which houses one of the most notorious prisons in the world. However the prison itself shut it's doors in March 1963, It now tells the inmates stories as a museum. During it's time in operation however, It was known to house some of the most dangerous criminals in history. The prison was also known for it's violent escape attampts. Over the span 2 days, 2 guard and 3 inmates were killed in unsuccessful attempt and two others were later excuted for the parts they played.

4- Tadmor prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Political prisoners and criminals alike share cells in this Syrian prison where instances of abuse, inhumane treatment and torture have paved it's legacy. Prisoners here have been dragged to death through the sand or left to starve and those arw lucky ones. Evidence have even shown that guards, drunk on hate and power, hsve cut prisoners to pieces using axes. The most famous instance of torture was after the failed assassination attempt on the president in the 1980s. It was estimated that thousand prisoners were gunned down in a massacre the following morning in their cells. The facility closed in 2001, but was reopened again in 2011 and was ultimately destroyed by explosives in May 2015.

3- Digarbakir prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

This prison first opened in 1980 in Turkey and operates as a maximum security prison beyond it's capacity. It's overloaded and has become well-known for it's unliveable conditions. Physical and mental torture is commonplace and boasts one of the highest human rights violations per prisoner in prisons worldwide. Sadistic and humiliating practice are performed on prisoners. Including sexual abuse, beating and the threat of a terrible and paiful death. Escape is nearly impossible from this facility. So many prisoners have committed suicide or set themselves on fire to avoid the brutality inflected during their sentences. There are even hundreds of children, between the ages of 13 and 17, incarcerated here, serving life sentences.

2- La Sante prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Located in Paris, France it has become know as one of the most brutal prisons in the world. In 1999 alone, 124 prisoners took their own lives rather than serving their sentences there. Within the prison a hierarchy has formed, making some more powerful and more influential than others. This causes issues for those who are considered weaker, making the conditions even more inhospitable for them. The fights and violence are so frequent, prisoners may only be outside of their cells for 4hours each day.

1- Black dolphin prison

Check Out Most 10 Dangerous Prison's In The World

Only the worst of the worst are sent to this Russian prison. Black dolphin prison is home to convicted rapists, pedophiles, murderers and even cannibals. Given the types of criminals they guard, the wardens and guards are brutal. They do not allow inmates to rest or sit down during the day until it's time to sleep. Prisoners are also blindfolded when removed from their cells and held in uncomfortable positions meant to cause pain and stress. Prisoners that find themselves at this prison never leave, as only inmates serving life sentences are sent there


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