Brain Related Problems That Commonly Cause Constant Hand Shakiness

Did you know that certain brain-related issues can lead to persistent hand tremors? Hand shakiness is prevalent among older adults and occasionally in younger individuals due to health reasons and common factors. This article focuses on brain problems that frequently contribute to constant hand shakiness.

Brain Related Problems That Commonly Cause Constant Hand Shakiness

In line with a WebMD publication, we will explore brain-related problems that commonly cause persistent hand tremors.

Brain-Related Problems Leading to Hand Shakiness:

Stroke or Brain Injury:

Stroke is a frequent cause of hand tremors. After experiencing a stroke, lasting brain changes can result in tremors or hand shakiness. Individuals who have had a stroke should maintain communication with their healthcare providers to monitor any uncomfortable signs.

Parkinson's Disease:

Parkinson's Disease damages brain cells responsible for muscle movement, causing constant hand shaking. The tremors often commence in one hand before spreading to the other. People with Parkinson's might also face mobility and balance challenges. Medication and, in some cases, surgery are common treatments for Parkinson's-related hand tremors.


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