EPL: Mourinho reacts after Tottenham's new sponsor mocked Spurs' empty trophy cabinet

EPL: Mourinho reacts after Tottenham's new sponsor mocked Spurs' empty trophy cabinet

Tottenham boss Jose Mourinho has pleaded ignorance after the club were brutally mocked by their new paint sponsor Dulux.

The sponsor mocked the club for lack of trophies in their cabinet within hours of Tottenham proudly announcing the partnership on social media.

Tottenham announced that Dulux had become the club's official paint supplier, with the company's famous dog getting a tour of the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and Hotspur Way training ground.

But the north London side were soon mocked by their new partner in hastily-deleted tweets, with the social media team hitting the wrong tone.

They made fun of the club's lack of recent silverware, posting a picture of an empty trophy cabinet being for sale and then made a barb about the club's defenders.

EPL: Mourinho reacts after Tottenham's new sponsor mocked Spurs' empty trophy cabinet

In a reply to a tweet asking whether the Dulux dog can play centre-back, they tweeted: "He might do a better job".

The tweets certainly made a splash as Dulux was the second top trend on Twitter in the UK.

The Portuguese manager was asked about the social media storm ahead of Friday night's match against Everton but he claimed to have no knowledge of the iconic dog.

"What's that?" a clearly puzzled Mourinho asked, before Spurs press officer swiftly attempted to take matters in another direction.


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