10 most racially diverse countries in Africa

Africa is a diversity powerhouse with 54 recognized countries and over 2,000 spoken languages. Each country has its own set of traditions, rituals, music, dance, and art.

10 most racially diverse countries in Africa:

The racial diversity of a country can be determined by the percentage of the population belonging to different racial groups. Different factors like history, immigration, and social rules decide how diverse a country is.

This diversity has propelled Africa into a prominent global position. According to Wisevoter, Liberia is the world's most diverse country with a racial diversity of 88.9%. Thanks to its history of colonization and freed slaves from the U.S.

Uganda follows closely behind, with a racial diversity of 88.3%. Togo is the third most diverse country, with a racial diversity of 88%.

Per Wisevoter, the data used for the report comes from the Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization Dataset (HIEF), a dataset that provides measures of ethnic fractionalization for 165 countries.

Below are the 10 most racially diverse countries in Africa:

[th]Rank[/th] [th]Country[/th] [th]Racial diversity[/th]
1 Liberia 88.9%
2 Uganda 88.3%
3 Togo 88%
5 South Africa 85.6%
6 Chad 85.5%
7 Kenya 85.5%
8 Mali 85.2%
9 Nigeria 85%
10 Guinea-Bissau 80.8%


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