Side Effects that Occur When Couples Stop Having Séx for a While

Side Effects that Occur When Couples Stop Having Séx for a While

It's been established that individuals or couples who regularly engage in intimacy often enjoy many benefits, like good mental health, a boosted immune system, and lower risks for heart disease, among many other benefits. In the same vein, when individuals or couples intentionally or unintentionally fail to partake in this activity for long periods, certain side effects may occur.

In accordance with facts backed up by WebMD, we'll be taking a quick look at five (5) potential side effects individuals or couples are likely to experience as a result of halting intimacy for a long period of time.

Firstly, not observing intimacy for long periods may cause stress and anxiety levels to be elevated. Why this happens is simply because intimacy enables the body to secrete in ample quantities hormones like oxytocin and endorphins, which help induce sleep (particularly oxytocin) and manage stress and anxiety levels.

Secondly, for women, especially those who have attained menopausal age, abstaining from intimacy for a long period of time can cause vaginal atrophy, i.e., when the tissues in the vagina become thin and dry due to decreased blood flow and natural lubrication. As a result of this, injury, tear, discomfort, or pain may result when such a woman engages in sexual activity in the future.

Thirdly, for men, abstaining from intimacy for a long time may increase their chances of falling prey to prostate cancer due to decreased release of the male reproductive fluid.

Fourthly, intimacy between couples fosters communication and closeness, even though abstaining from intimacy for long periods may create emotional chasms and communication gaps in the relationship between couples.

Lastly, earlier, individuals or couples who regularly engage in sexual activity were discovered in research to have higher immunity to viral infections like the cold and flu; hence, abstaining from this activity may impede immunological function with respect to this viral infection.


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