Best Time Of The Day To Have Sex

Intercourse is an intimate relationship between males and females that is responsible for pleasure and reproduction. However, studies have found that there are certain times of the day couple should engage in intercourse to gain the appropriate benefits associated with it.

Best Time Of The Day To Have Sex

Although it does not mean any other time is bad for your health because it is a matter of choice. In this article in line with a publication on "Womenshealthmag", we shall be looking at the time to engage in intercourse with your partner. They include below.

In the Morning

It is better to have intercourse in the morning than in the evening or afternoon. This is because there is a discharge of intercourse hormones in the morning which may help keep your body physically fit. You are more likely to stay long during morning intercourse than at any other time.

After a Workout

Intercourse after an exercise is considered one of the best according to experts. This is because your risk of erectile dysfunction is very low than in ordinary times. Please take advantage of that by engaging in physical activity before intercourse.


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