Dear Men, If You Want to Retain Your Power in Bed, Here are the Only 5 Practical Things You Must Do

Dear Men, If You Want to Retain Your Power in Bed, Here are the Only 5 Practical Things You Must Do

Many men are nowadays finding it hard to climb the mountain of love. While some causes of this traumatizing condition are medically induced, other causes are induced by poor dietary and lifestyle habits.

To retain or maintain your bed power, you need to do the following;

1. Eat Healthy

Dear Men, If You Want to Retain Your Power in Bed, Here are the Only 5 Practical Things You Must Do

A diet that consists of whole grains, green vegetables and fresh fruits enriches your body with powerful antioxidants, Vitamins and essential minerals that keep you very healthy by improving your immunity and general functioning of your body.

2. Stop Cigarette Smoking

Dear Men, If You Want to Retain Your Power in Bed, Here are the Only 5 Practical Things You Must Do

Cigarette Smoking releases toxins such as benzene, arsenic and formaldehyde, which causes oxidative damages to cells and tissues. This hence can reduce your general body functioning, including heart rate. By stopping cigarette smoking, you can achieve optimal performance of your body systems, which would enhance your reproductive health.

3. Maintain Physical Activity

Dear Men, If You Want to Retain Your Power in Bed, Here are the Only 5 Practical Things You Must Do

Regular physical activity enhances your general health, including brain health and heart health. On the same note, physical activity enhances the brain to improve production of testosterone hormone.

4. Never Use Stimulants to Boost Your Power

Dear Men, If You Want to Retain Your Power in Bed, Here are the Only 5 Practical Things You Must Do

Continuous use of s*x stimulants such as sildenafil can pose a lot of threat to your heart, especially if you have a preexisting heart condition. On the same hand, excess use of these stimulants can a lot damage to your penile tissues, and cause irreversible ED. Therefore, staying away from this drugs can help you maintain your bed power.

5. Limit your intake of alcohol

Dear Men, If You Want to Retain Your Power in Bed, Here are the Only 5 Practical Things You Must Do

Excessive drinking of alcohol on a regular basis lowers testosterone levels in your body. This has a negative effect on your reproductive health.


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