Mistakes to avoid when registering for Jamb 2025

Jamb 2025 is just around the corner. Read and learn.

Small mistakes made during registration can result in disqualification or delays. According to the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board's (JAMB) most recent guidelines and lessons learned from previous applicants, these are some of the mistakes to avoid for a stress-free JAMB 2025 registration.

Mistakes to avoid when registering for Jamb 2025

1.Wrong Subject Combination Some candidates choose the wrong subjects for their desired courses, which can affect your chance of admission.

Check the JAMB subject combination required for your chosen course before registering.

2. Ignoring the Registration Deadline: Many candidates wait until the last minute to register, which can result in missing the deadline. One major mistake is entering incorrect personal information, such as your name, date of birth, or email address.

Always double-check your information before you submit your registration. Make sure your names match your official documents.

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