Five Steps to maintain a healthy relationship.

In a world full of choices, clash of interests, demands and so many expectations, we all desire to have even one person who we can start life with and build a strong bond. There can never be anything more satisfying than being in a healthy relationship that gives you peace and happiness. Below are five vital ways of building a healthy relationship:

Five Steps to maintain a healthy relationship.

1.    Trust: This is one way to ensure a long-lasting relationship. So many people have lost very loved ones due to their lack of trust; this all depends on character. Nevertheless, it is important that when you realize that you love someone and willing to build a life with them, you put aside every form of insecurity and give them the benefit of doubt even when there could be some reasons for you to doubt their fidelity. Any relationship that is not built on trust has a weak foundation, and so as much as you are advised to stay faithful, it is also important that you trust your partner.

2.    Communication: There is one reason why your loved one is called your partner; someone you share your thoughts with, someone you considerably do not hide anything from, someone who should be a part of you. Communication is key in every relationship; be able to tell your partner how you feel about certain situations especially whenever you are not happy about something. Expressing yourself in a calm manner instead of nagging would secure peace in your relationship. It is never ok to bear grudges and only express them vulgarly whenever your partner gets you angry.

3.    Respect: Your partner should feel valued privately and publicly. This means that you have no reason to disrespect your partner especially in front of your friends or family members. Your partner is a reflection of you, this means that whenever they are wrong, you correct them privately instead of embarrassing them publicly. People are able to live to the fullest and function properly wherever they are valued and feel safe.

4.    Gratitude: it is said that gratitude to one makes him or her want to do more. It is always important that you don't take the sacrifices or efforts of your partner for granted even though they may have been obliged to do so. When people see that they are appreciated for the little they do, they put more efforts to do more. Your partner should be able to know that you appreciate the little he or she does.

5.    Understanding: People are wired differently and as such may have some inclinations or personal preferences that may not align with others. It is always good to understand the inadequacies of your partner knowing fully well that they are not perfect and may have shortcomings and so do you. A good example could be when your body-shame your partner after she put to bed not trying to understand the reasons behind her sudden body change or when you taunt your partner for being quiet not trying to find out if they are ok.

Every relationship passes through so many crucibles and as such, only people who are capable of being committed to one another and eager to grow together would be able to pull through. Broken relationships or marriages tend to have negative impacts on the society especially when there are children in the picture and situations like nagging, fighting or abuse in relationships could psychologically affect a child. It is therefore pertinent for partners to understand each other and build strong relationship.


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