Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

Lagos taxi [Jumia Travel]

Each state in Nigeria expresses itself in the colours that paint the streets.

Cabs or taxis in Nigeria are commercial or private cars used to transport groups of people from one place to the other.

While yellow-and-black are widely accepted as the colour of cabs all over the world, it isn't the same here in Nigeria. Most states have distinct, uniform colours to signify cabs.


Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

The signature yellow and black have become synonymous with Lagos and are used for everything from cabs to kekes and buses. The yellow covers most of the car and there are two black stripes at the sides of the car. Cabs in Lagos are usually very expensive.


Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

As the capital city of Nigeria, Abuja uses the national flag colours, green and white, for cabs and tricycles. The cabs are usually very cheap and more commonly used than buses. They even operate the "along" which takes about 4-5 people at once and drops them at various bus stops along the way.


Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

Asaba uses blue and white Toyota and Volkswagen vehicles for cabs, and the same for kekes and buses.


Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

Enugu also uses the yellow and black that Lagos uses for their cabs but the black stripes are either not used or hang lower than that of Lagos kekes. Cabs are also not as expensive as in Lagos, but most people use kekes for public transport.


Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

The fiery combination of blue and yellow is what fills the streets of Akure. The cabs have light blue sides and yellow top, bonnet and trunk.


Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

Though Taxify has come to give Ibadan cab drivers a run for their money, the yellow and brown on hundreds of mini 1990s Japanese Nissan Micra car will not fade in a hurry. Edo has a similar cab colour but has a lighter yellow than that of Ibadan.


Here are the colours of cabs in different cities in Nigeria

The Mazda vehicle with flashy headlights painted green and yellow is what characterises Ilorin cabs.

What is the cab colour in your city?


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