Done with NYSC? Here are six things you should do

Done with NYSC? Here are six things you should do

Finally wrapping up the compulsory one-year National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) scheme often elicit a mixed feeling of excitement and nostalgia from many Nigerian graduates.

Once these feelings fizzle out, boredom and built-up anticipation on career prospects may hit in so hard that it could lead to depression.

These tips will help you keep your focus and maximise your time if you're freshly out of the NYSC scheme;

Review your CV

Your curriculum vitae (CV) is the first impression any organisation would have about you. So now that NYSC is done and dusted, it's time to revisit it and ensure it is not only updated but also well-written.

Read up on how to write an impressive CV that will land you your dream job and ensure you have it saved on cloud storage, that way, it's always available when you need it.

Meet with your mentors

Mentors are noteworthy persons with remarkable exemplary life that inspires you. However, it is not enough to have mentors, more importantly, these people should be accessible.

Seek for advice, guardian and ask questions where necessary. You can also ask for recommendations on opportunities and jobs from your mentors.

Volunteer for a cause in line with your passion

Though it's normal to anticipate that you'll land your dream job at the end of the national scheme, the story is not always the same for every graduate. While you await your first job after NYSC, look out for volunteering opportunities in your area of interest and engage yourself.

This can double as a place to further horn your skills, network with people, and even secure a well-deserved job offer.

Training and online courses

Several organisations host free training as part of their corporate social responsibilities and sometimes to seek out prospective employees. These workshops and training are usually publicised on social media from time to time. Look out for these opportunities on social media and leverage on them. You can also register for paid trainings and online courses that will help improve your skills set.

Monetise your passion

Brainstorm on different business ideas that revolve around what you love to do and develop the most viable one. Services like photography, blogging, vlogging, anchoring events (master of ceremonies), copy editing, and a host of others can be monetised.

Build your Network

Networking is an effective way to improve your job prospects. Attend open events related to your career path and meet people. Also, it is advised you to set up a LinkedIn account that reflects your profession. Make valuable friends and expand your network base.


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