The fear of beautiful women and 9 rare phobias you probably haven't heard of

The list of phobias that exists are inexhaustible [Adobestock]

A phobia is a mental disorder that involves excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object.

Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses, and studies have shown that women are more likely to experience phobias than men.

Typical symptoms of phobias can include nausea, trembling, rapid heartbeat, goosebumps appearing on the skin and intense fear.

As we know, there are uncountable kinds of phobias but to be more organised, phobias have been categorised under four major groups:

  • Fears related to the natural environment, which can include astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning), hydrophobia (fear of water), dendrophobia (fear of trees), and other types of environmental phobias.

  • Fears related to animals, like cynophobia (fear of dogs), equinophobia (fear of horses), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and other animal-related phobias.

  • Fears related to medical treatments or issues, such as trypanophobia (fear of needles), dentophobia (fear of dentists or dental procedures), hemophobia (fear of blood), and other medical-related phobias.

  • Fears related to specific situations, including claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), glossophobia (fear of public speaking), aerophobia (fear of flying), and other situational phobias.

In this article, we will mention 10 uncommon phobias that may sound unusual and maybe even annoying. You may find yourself thinking "How you anyone be scared of this?" Well, as I've mentioned before, phobias are a type of mental anxiety disorder and each person's fear is valid.

With that said, here are 10 unusual phobias:

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (Sesquipedalophobia)

Ironically, this is a fear of long words. People with this phobia may experience extreme anxiety or discomfort when confronted with lengthy words, making reading and communication challenging.


Ablutophobia is the fear of taking baths or showers. This fear can result from traumatic water-related incidents, especially those involving bathing.


Venustraphobia is the fear of beautiful women. It can cause anxiety and discomfort, particularly for men with this phobia. Basically, a person with this phobia gets very nervous around people they find really good-looking.


Mageirocophobia is the fear of cooking. People with this fear usually avoid cooking and prefer to eat food that's already prepared.


Xanthophobia is the fear of the colour yellow. People with this fear might feel uncomfortable when exposed to yellow-coloured things.


This is the fear of mirrors, especially seeing their own reflection in a mirror. People with this phobia may get extreme anxiety or panic attacks when they look in a mirror.


Chirophobia is the fear of hands, either one's own hands or someone else's hands. Traumatic hand injuries or medical conditions like arthritis can trigger this phobia. People with chirophobia may avoid handshakes or any contact with hands.


Ergophobia is an irrational fear of work, including tasks, social interactions at the workplace, and public experiences related to work. People with this fear may avoid jobs and workplaces due to bad experiences and this phobia can result in prolonged unemployment.


Plutophobia is the fear of wealth or being wealthy. Some people worry that having a lot of money might put them in danger, so they avoid getting rich. They try to self-sabotage their financial success to avoid perceived dangers.


Genuphobia is the irrational fear of knees. People with this fear might feel anxious when they see knees, touch them, or have concerns about sustaining a knee injury.

These unusual phobias show that people can be afraid of all sorts of things, even down to the most basic stuff, and it can affect how they live and interact with others.


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