Revealed: 1 key area Messi is better than Ronaldo this season

Revealed: 1 key area Messi is better than Ronaldo this season

Messi or Ronaldo in any way you want to look at them in the game of football is somewhat similar in terms of goal scoring and trophies they have won with their respective sides.

Both players have continued to be the topic of discussion among players, coaches, pundits and fans at large.

The duo have taken the game to another level where both stars have won five Ballon d'Or awards between them in the last decade which was recently broken by Luka Modric.

However, there is an aspect of the game people do not really talk about when making comparisons with both players.

Though their accolades have mostly been coming from the number of goals they have scored, but looking beyond that, the passing accuracy is another point of reference.

Whoscored. com did an analysis of both superstars' contribution in their respective domestic leagues this season.

Ronaldo have recorded five assists, made 1.5 key passes, averaging 32 and have a 85.6 per cent pass success - which is fantastic for an attacker.

Messi on other hand, as at 17 matches in La Liga, recorded ten assists, three key passes, averaging 53.9, and 82.4 pass success percentage.

With Messi and Ronaldo's role on the field of play, it is expected the Argentine should have a better passing accuracy because of his free role in attack than Ronaldo who also operates more in the box.


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